Honest Action of the Heart
Every time I start a new piece I always think about what I want to express and what I have to show. As a person who lives a life in this world, it is quite daunting to decide from what point of view to capture all these miscellaneous and uneven things that I have to face; to sift through different plans and different attitudes at every hour, and what to capture. The pleasure of beholding unusual souvenirs or obscure regional items rarely found in everyday life that I have acquired during my travels and the ordinary objects that I come across in my ordinary life.
The familiar pleasures of the five senses are welcomed in my favorite places, and the warmth and hospitality are extended by my people. Most of them often exchange and seek satisfaction, following my choices. The idea that there are many kinds of matter in creation―as innumerable as the grains of sand on a beach―in the world always rouses my curiosity and challenges me to ponder unusual phenomena, unexpected ideas, and greater freedom that transcends freedom. But in the end, it seems that these efforts look uniform by the commonalities of what I prefer. To prefer something means that my mind moves, and through this action of the mind, I repeat the cycle.
For these reasons, I repeat drawing and erasing. It happens every day, like an old habit. Some of what I have drawn are erased as though they had never existed when I feel completely flustered and embarrassed to find them the next day. However, the streaks of brushes and paints jumbled together, which have already been swept across the canvas in a fit of impatience or passion are protrude on surface in a revealing way.
The images on an even canvas that were drawn during the calm vanish without a trace. The mistakes of the previous day are completely covered. I cover some of them only partially, not wanting to erase all the traces of my agonies and struggles, and then they unite together, in layers. The traces that have become one are a collection of stories that have neither purpose nor plausibility. But through repetitive works, the reasons for their presence are finally connected to each other and become a plausible mass. Subjects drawn in an incoherent way are made up of processes whose starting points or destination cannot be determined. They are a series of coincidences and discontinuities―a type of chaos, in short. The lines and colors, the trivial and the significant, the graffiti and realistic images in these chaotic processes and added objects pop out before my eyes.
The traces of these moments finally become a narrative of my thoughts that stretch across like a rainbow, creating a new story.
Suddenly, however, I feel ashamed again about these revealing sights, and in the next work, I erase them one by one. What does it mean to pursue nothing? What is my innate, pure self without this pursuit? I meditate again. How do I express a free state of being conscious of nothing? I ask myself again. I begin to draw without any idea of what to draw. This means that I can draw anything freely. It is then that, not only pleasure, but what I find boring or trivial also turns into forces that bring me to freedom.
One day when I feel released and passionate inside, with a feeling of calm, I will be open to absorbing all that is coming, and capture the illusions led by the mind or throbbing of the heart. I want to draw freely, not clinging to anything, and float in the air across two massive spaces that are life and work.